Wednesday 18 June 2014

4 Weeks Post-Op

        My knee is finally getting better! When I saw the knee surgeon last week he gave me a compression sock to wear on my leg along with some anti-inflammatory pills. The swelling has gone down quite a bit, but is still there. I've started going for daily 30 minutes walks to drain any swelling I have left in my face. It still really bothers me that my upper lip is really swollen (and numb) still but I guess that will take some time. I am normal to look at but can't hide the fact I had surgery on my face when I talk or smile because of my stiff upper lip. 
        Ever since I've started seeing improvements in my knee, I've started feeling more flickering of regenerating nerves in my face. I've also noticed that I have more feeling in my face. It is such a gradual process that I did not realize any improvement until recently. With my increased mobility I have more energy and am much more up-beat. Eating is going great; I had a large bowl of pasta last night. Now that I can eat more of a variety I am trying to focus more about nutrition now and not just about getting anything possible into me. I don't think I had any vegetables at all until about day 12! I have also started to get into my Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) studying. All of this dental work that I've had done has made me want to go into the profession. Just to clarify, I've known I wanted to do this since I was about 16, so I did not just decide last week :) Anyway, that's about it! Check back in about  2 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. So glad things are coming along better now Shane! Thanks for the updates too:)
    Taina (Tati) and fam!!
